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Welcome to WSLHD Collaborative Sites for Education and Training
To access this site, you must have a WSLHD StaffLink ID or Username.
To proceed, please use the login section on the left-hand side.
First time user on this site? You will require resetting your password. Note that your 'Current Password' is your date of birth using this format, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy with the slashes.No login or having difficulty logging in:
Please click here to reset your password using your employee number/username 'Forgotten your username or password?'
Alternatively, contact WSLHD Education Technology (EduTech) on 8860 4396 during business hours or
Email: WSLHD-EducationTechnology@health.nsw.gov.au
WSLHD Network Access Policy:
Access to this site is provided for staff, educators and students in undertaking their duties and studies related to the operations and mission of WSLHD. Use of this service is subject to the terms and conditions of policies and laws governing copyright, defamation, misrepresentation, telecommunications, privacy, fraud and obscenity. In addition, several codes regarding 'netiquette' and WSLHD Policies also apply. WSLHD will take appropriate action upon becoming aware of any illegal use of the site services.