2025/2026 BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Course category2025

Course Description: To support the face to face delivery of the Certificate IV Work Health & Safety

Target audience: Staff who have Work Health & Safety responsibilities in their department or are aspiring to move into a Work Health & Safety role as part of their PAT Development/Career Goals.

Coordinator: Karen Mitnjek via karen.mitnjek@health.nsw.gov.au

2025/2026 BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Administration)

Course category2025

Course Code: BSB40120 

Brief Description: To support the face to face delivery of the Certificate IV in Business

Target Audience: Senior Administration Officers or Administration Officers such as ward clerks CSO's who have completed the Certificate III in Health Administration and are aspiring to move to a higher administration position

Contact person: Narelle Darby via Email: narelle.darby@health.nsw.gov.au

2025_11154NAT Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal Specialist Trauma Counselling

Course category2025

The 11154NAT Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal Specialist Trauma Counselling adheres to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and has been accredited by the Australian Skills Qualification Authority (ASQA). This program is delivered by ECAV under the NSW Health RTO (code 90198). This qualification requires the completion of 12 Units of Competency (UOCs) made up of all 12 core Units.

This course is targeted at:

  •  Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention workers, Aboriginal  Health workers, sexual assault and family violence counsellors employed by NSW Health
  •  Aboriginal industry partners employed by other government and non-government agencies i.e. Counsellors, Safe House Workers, Refuge Workers, Court Support Workers, Early Childhood workers, Mental Health, Witness Assistance Officers. 
  •  Community members and students who have successfully completed the pre-requisite qualification 11080NAT Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work.

At the end of this program, you will have the knowledge and skills to:

1.    Demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying principles of an Aboriginal Healing Framework when providing specialist trauma counselling.

2.    Develop professional counselling abilities to provide specialist trauma counselling to Aboriginal children and adults who have and/or are experiencing the effects of interpersonal violence.

3.    Acknowledging individual’s cultural knowledge and practice and connection to have with the land, family, spirituality and belief systems and blending that knowledge and practice into the Aboriginal healing framework.

4.    Define culturally safe therapeutic practices that will assist Aboriginal children and adults in healing from the effects of interpersonal violence.

5.    Explore in detail the complex cultural, community and personal levels of working in family/domestic violence, sexual assault and child protection in Aboriginal communities.

6.    Identify and demonstrate culturally safe practice when providing specialist trauma counselling.

7.    Research Aboriginal justice and empowerment advocacy strategies and models which link to culturally safe professional practice.

8.    Critique the foundational theoretical basis of counselling work in family/domestic violence, child and adult sexual assault and child protection in Aboriginal communities

9.    Analyse the trauma effects of colonisation, oppression and dispossession on Aboriginal communities and discuss the implications of this for work in therapeutic approaches with the community.

This course has been divided into 6 modules. Each module is mapped to 3 units of competency, except for the third module, Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities due to the sensitive nature of the content, it is mapped to 2 units as clustered below:

1. Module 1

a. NAT11154001 Provide specialist counselling skills within an Aboriginal Healing Framework

b. CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship

2. Module 2

a. CHCCSL005 Apply learning theories in counselling

b. CHCCSL004 Research and apply personality and development theories

3. Module 3

a. NAT11154002 Provide specialist counselling to children and young people affected by child sexual assault

4. Module 4

a. NAT11154004 Provide specialist counselling to individuals affected by domestic family violence

b. CHCCSL007 Support counselling clients in decision-making processes

5. Module 5

a. NAT11154003 Provide specialist counselling to children and young people affected by abuse and neglect

b. CHCCSM002 Implement case management practice

6. Module 6

a. NAT11154005 Provide specialist counselling to adult survivors of child sexual assault

b. NAT11154006 Provide specialist counselling to individuals affected by adult sexual assault

c. CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Facilitator: Subha Chowdhury

2025_NAT10882005 Provide a medical and forensic response to domestic and family violence

Course category2025

Course Code: 11157NAT

Course Description: This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills to perform the following functions associated with the medical and forensic management of adult sexual assault in a health setting:

  • respond effectively to the immediate health needs of an adult male or female patient following a sexual assault
  • focus on the medical, legal and ethical specialist skills and knowledge required to carry out a forensic medical examination
  • make high order, independent, complex judgements in a specialised context
  • communicate effectively with diverse patients, within a specific legal framework
  • provide expert opinion within the criminal justice system

Target audience:  The Graduate Certificate in the Medical and Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault is targeted at:

  • Doctors working for NSW health who are required to provide medical care and forensic examinations to adult victims of sexual assault
  • Registered nurses who are training to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners working for NSW health who provide medical care and forensic examinations for adult victims of sexual assault.

Draft 11157NAT MF March 2025

Course category2025

Course Code: 11157NAT

Course Description: This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills to perform the following functions associated with the medical and forensic management of adult sexual assault in a health setting:

  • respond effectively to the immediate health needs of an adult male or female patient following a sexual assault
  • focus on the medical, legal and ethical specialist skills and knowledge required to carry out a forensic medical examination
  • make high order, independent, complex judgements in a specialised context
  • communicate effectively with diverse patients, within a specific legal framework
  • provide expert opinion within the criminal justice system

Target audience:  The Graduate Certificate in the Medical and Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault is targeted at:

  • Doctors working for NSW health who are required to provide medical care and forensic examinations to adult victims of sexual assault
  • Registered nurses who are training to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners working for NSW health who provide medical care and forensic examinations for adult victims of sexual assault.

2025_11080NAT Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work

Course category2025

The 11080NAT Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work includes seven units of competency from the Community Services Training Package and one unit of competency from the Health Training Package. Completion of those units provides pathways into a range of Community Services Training Package and Health Training Package qualifications at a Certificate IV level.

This qualification is an integral part of ECAV's Aboriginal Workforce Development Strategy and a mandatory component of the NSW Health Aboriginal Family Health Strategy. This is a unique model that does not exist elsewhere across Australia and continues to be in demand by Aboriginal workers both within NSW and other states. This encompasses a three-tiered Qualification Pathway Model for Aboriginal workers:

  • Tier 1: 11080NAT Certificate IV in Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Work
  • Tier 2: 11154NAT Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal Specialist Trauma Counselling
  • Tier 3: Graduate Certificate in Human and Community Services (Interpersonal Trauma) in partnership with the University of Sydney-provides access into the two-year Master of Social Work qualification program

This course recognises the job role progression for specialist Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention workers and establishes a valid career pathway.

This qualification requires the completion of twelve Units of Competency made up of core subjects:

Unit Code: NAT11080001 | NAT11080002 | NAT11080003 | NAT11080004 | CHCADV005 | HLTASEW003 | CHCMHS007 | CHCCDE027 | CHCDFV004 | CHCPRT025 | CHCCDE023 | CHCCOM002

Subject Matter Expert: Sigrid Herring

Welcome to 2024_Supervise Medicolegal Work

Course category2024

Course Code: MF1420

Course Description: 

This 12-week course is intended for doctors and nurses who supervise the medico-legal work of their colleagues. This could include reviewing expert certificates, providing advice about opinion evidence, and preparing colleagues to testify in court. The course will run over 12 weeks. 

The course is delivered virtually and will consist of online small-group learning, self-directed study, peer support and participation in an online forum. There is no face-to-face component. There are a series of assessment tasks to complete. These are competency-based assessment tasks, designed to demonstrate skills and abilities that directly relate to real-world scenarios.

Target audience:  

Doctors and nurses who supervise the medicolegal work of their colleagues

202403_11157NAT Graduate Certificate in the Medical & Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault

Course category2024

Course Code: 11157NAT

Course Description: This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills to perform the following functions associated with the medical and forensic management of adult sexual assault in a health setting:

  • respond effectively to the immediate health needs of an adult male or female patient following a sexual assault
  • focus on the medical, legal and ethical specialist skills and knowledge required to carry out a forensic medical examination
  • make high order, independent, complex judgements in a specialised context
  • communicate effectively with diverse patients, within a specific legal framework
  • provide expert opinion within the criminal justice system

Target audience:  The Graduate Certificate in the Medical and Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault is targeted at:

  • Doctors working for NSW health who are required to provide medical care and forensic examinations to adult victims of sexual assault
  • Registered nurses who are training to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners working for NSW health who provide medical care and forensic examinations for adult victims of sexual assault.

202408_11157NAT Graduate Certificate in the Medical and Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault

Course category2024

Course Code: 11157NAT

Course Description: This course is intended to provide participants with a range of knowledge and skills to perform the following functions associated with the medical and forensic management of adult sexual assault in a health setting:

  • respond effectively to the immediate health needs of an adult male or female patient following a sexual assault
  • focus on the medical, legal and ethical specialist skills and knowledge required to carry out a forensic medical examination
  • make high order, independent, complex judgements in a specialised context
  • communicate effectively with diverse patients, within a specific legal framework
  • provide expert opinion within the criminal justice system

Target audience:  The Graduate Certificate in the Medical and Forensic Management of Adult Sexual Assault is targeted at:

  • Doctors working for NSW health who are required to provide medical care and forensic examinations to adult victims of sexual assault
  • Registered nurses who are training to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners working for NSW health who provide medical care and forensic examinations for adult victims of sexual assault.

2024_IN1038 - 10826NAT Graduate Certificate in Integrated Violence, Abuse and Neglect Interventions

Course category2024

Course Code/Name: IN1038 - 10826NAT Graduate Certificate in Integrated Violence, Abuse and Neglect Interventions. 

Venue: Delivered at Cumberland Hospital Campus, North Parramatta.

Target audience:  The 10826NAT Graduate Certificate in Integrated Violence, Abuse and Neglect Interventions qualification is targeted at current counsellors, clinicians, clinical leaders, psychologists, social workers and managers requiring training to achieve new and specialised skills to ensure state-wide consistency of integrated NSW Health service provision to people who have experienced violence, abuse and neglect.

2024 Graduate Certificate in Men’s Behaviour Change Individual and Group-work Interventions

Course category2024

Course Description: The qualification is designed for current and emerging workers experienced in working with people impacted by Domestic and Family Violence who will directly engage in holding men accountable and responsible for their behaviours through one to one and group work interventions. 

Core to this qualification is the applications of interventions that are integrated in a family safety model and enhance the safety and well being of the women, partners and children impacted by the man’s use of violence directed towards them.

Course target audience: Workers employed or seeking employment in a NSW compliant Men’s Behaviour Change Program (MBCP) or who provide or seek to provide specialist interventions with male perpetrators of DFV in other contexts.

2023/2024 BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Administration)

Course category2023

Course Code: BSB40120 

Brief Description: To support the face to face delivery of the Certificate IV in Business

Target Audience: Senior Administration Officers or Administration Officers such as ward clerks CSO's who have completed the Certificate III in Health Administration and are aspiring to move to a higher administration position

Contact person: Narelle Darby via Email: narelle.darby@health.nsw.gov.au

2023/2024 BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Course category2023
Course Description: To support the face to face delivery of the Certificate IV Work Health & Safety

Target audience: Staff who have Work Health & Safety responsibilities in their department or are aspiring to move into a Work Health & Safety role as part of their PAT Development/Career Goals.

Coordinator: Karen Mitnjek via karen.mitnjek@health.nsw.gov.au