Teaching, Training and Research

Activity-Based Working (ABW) - K3 Perioperative Staff Hub

Course categoryTeaching, Training and Research

Brief Description: 

The site will support resources and transition program content to prepare teams to move to working in an ABW environment and workspace. The content on the site will reflect the transition program workshops modules of: Introduction to ABW, Paper Independence, Etiquette Setting and Working in Mobile Teams. Resources and ABW 'tips and tools' will also be provided on the site together with chat forums to support virtual involvement in the transition program.

Subject Matter Expert: Nathan Ferguson

Activity-Based Working (ABW) - K1 ED Staff Hub

Course categoryTeaching, Training and Research

Brief Description: 

The site will support resources and transition program content to prepare teams to move to working in an ABW environment and workspace. The content on the site will reflect the transition program workshops modules of: Introduction to ABW, Paper Independence, Etiquette Setting and Working in Mobile Teams. Resources and ABW 'tips and tools' will also be provided on the site together with chat forums to support virtual involvement in the transition program.

Activity-Based Working (ABW) - K2 Medical Imaging Staff Hub

Course categoryTeaching, Training and Research

Brief Description: 

The site will support resources and transition program content to prepare teams to move to working in an ABW environment and workspace. The content on the site will reflect the transition program workshops modules of: Introduction to ABW, Paper Independence, Etiquette Setting and Working in Mobile Teams. Resources and ABW 'tips and tools' will also be provided on the site together with chat forums to support virtual involvement in the transition program.

Administration Professional Development Day

Course categoryTeaching, Training and Research

Course Description:

This highly dynamic professional development full-day experience for administration staff is focused on understanding our roles and the customer impact.  This will be done by exploring statistics and case studies to help us increase our awareness and apply our empathy.  We'll co-design improvements to our onboarding and development activities to achieve high performance.  We'll confirm what excellent customer service means and looks like, removing obstacles to not delivering our best and working to manage conflict dynamics better.  Finally, we'll create/update our Work Plans and Development Plans.  Additionally, managers of the admin staff attending also receive a "Managers Guides - Administration Professional Development Day" to outline how the manager can support and coach their admin staff to apply the learning from the workshop into practical application in the workplace.

Target Audience: Administrative Role

Contact: Noel Posus, Email: Noel.Posus@health.nsw.gov.au 

Conflict Dynamics

Course categoryTeaching, Training and Research

Conflict naturally occurs when humans interact, specifically when there is an "apparent" incompatibility with principles, interests, goals, feelings, ideas, and/or values.  However, how we choose to behave and deal with these moments where we think things are in conflict is what either escalates and inflames the conflict further and damages relationships, or de-escalates, works to clear misunderstandings and eventually supports healthy personal and professional relationships.   This blended learning course helps to raise understanding about what conflict is, the triggers and hot buttons, how we typically react to them and how we can choose more constructive approaches to improve relationships.  This learning opportunity is open to all staff and is a compliment to the HETI “CORE Chat” and “Positively Resolving Workplace Conflict” workshop programs, as well as the online eLearning module “Conflict Resolution

An Introduction to Research

Course categoryResearch

A series of recorded lectures on the topic 'An Introduction to Research'. Why do Research? | What is Research? | The How of Research? | Ethics Governance | The How of Research (Part Two) | Getting the Message Out (Publications and Presentations)

Facilitator: Mark Smith

DEV14145 - Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018

Course categoryResearch

The modules provide information on the principles of research conduct and facilitate participant's understanding of their roles and responsibilities. it is a mandatory requirement that all research applicants complete WSLHD's Responsibilities of Researchers Declaration on Completion of modules.


By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the overarching principles and responsibilities that underpin the conduct of Australian Research.
  • Understand the behaviours that can constitute a breach of the code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Demonstrate an awareness of documents and legislation related to the ethical practice of research

Facilitator: Carrie Alvaro