Better Oral Health in Residential Care (BOHRC) Online
course Brief Description :
The project aims to deliver a targeted virtual oral
care education intervention based on an evidence-based best-practice training
package, the Better Oral Health in Residential Aged Care (BOHRC) training
package. The course will include a combination of presentation content that is
delivered live with a suite of resources accessible to the audience for the
duration of their study. The website would provide a way for participants to
register, access pre and post-questionnaires, materials that need to be reviewed
prior to the virtual presentation and other resources related to the program.
Target audience:
External and Internal Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) care workers and nurses
Contact person:
Michelle McNab | Email:
Oral Health Surgical Aseptic Technique
Short Description: Training on the Infection Control elements involved in Surgical Aseptic Technique for Oral Health.
Target audience: WSLHD Oral Health Clinical Staff
Contact: Herdeza Verzosa | Senior Dental Officer | Tel: 8890 8983 | Email:
WSLHD Oral Health Infection Control Training 2019
Brief description: Infection Control Update in accordance with the Australian Dental Council Guidelines/WSLHD Oral Health.
Target Audience: Clinicians, Dental Assistants, and Lab Technicians working in Oral Health
Contact Person: Michelle McNab, Dental Officer OHP Coordinator