WSLHD MOODLE - Password Glitch

WSLHD MOODLE - Password Glitch

by Jenny Pita -


Hi WSLHD Moodle Users,

This is advising you that due to technical glitched you may experience login issues, and if you are, please try the following suggestion ...



Hi WSLHD Moodle Users,

This is advising you that due to technical glitched you may experience login issues, and if you are, please try the following suggestion below to rectify the problem. 

  1. Use your date of birth using this format, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy with the slashes
  2. Click on the 'Forgotten your username (Employee number)?' to reactivate your account
If you are still having difficulty logging in, please contact, WSLHD Education Technology (EduTech) on 8860 4396 during business hours or Email:

OD and Learning apologise for any inconvenient caused.

Thank you.

Kind regards 
Jenny Pita
Manager, Education Technology and Mandatory Training
Organisational Development & Learning | People and Culture
Western Sydney Local Health District
Building 64 Wirrabilla Cottage, Cumberland Hospital Campus
Locked Bag 7118, Parramatta BC NSW 2150
Tel: 02 9840 4167 | Fax: 02 9840 3375   | Mob: 0409 410 227  | Email: